Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some more 4 MONTH stuff...

I'm a big boy now! Really - a BIG boy! I started sitting at 4 months, 3 weeks - I'm at least 20 pounds at the end of my 4th month and I have graduated to the same size diapers as my sister. :) I love to take baths - I splash and kick my feet everywhere. Mommy needs to get me a bath chair because I'm too strong and wiggly -she can't hang onto me anymore.

Here's a picture of me sitting all by myself and in my exersaucer. I love to play with my toys!

Happy Halloween! 4 Months

Happy Halloween!

I'm 4 months old and having a blast. I can roll over and almost sit by myself. I sleep through the night and don't give my parents too much trouble -but I'll work on that!

My sister and I got to go to the pumpkin farm to get our punkins but I only got to watch. Next year I can run around and get all muddy.

I still have no teeth but I'm working on my fangs. Mommy thought they'd be here by Thanksgiving but they decided to wait a while longer. For now I'm just drooling and chewing on anything I can get my hands on - or in a pinch my OWN hands will do.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Almost 4 months...

Roll baby roll!
A week before my 4 month birthday I decided to roll over. My mommy was just watching me and all of a sudden I decided to give it a try. First time too - I made it all the way over!

I had my 4 month checkup too and I weigh 19 pounds!!! I'm still off the charts on my weight, I'm a big big boy! I'm 25 1/4 inches long too. I am catching up with my sister real quick. She was 18.5 pounds at ONE YEAR OLD! haha! She better quit picking on me - I'm gonna be bigger real soon! I keep getting kissed too - yuck! Girl kisses! All I can do is lay there and take it - I need to learn how to sit up and walk!!

I've been sleeping all night since 3 months old - 7pm to 7am. Recently though I started to wake up and cry in the middle of the night - I think I'm getting some teeth. Those little chompers sure hurt!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


3 Months Old -

I'm a super busy kid! I have already started laughing and sleeping 12-13 hours at night and, today October 9th I rolled over for the first time. I've never really even tried before - I just though what the heck, why not? :) It was kind cool -but then I got an arm stuck under my chubby tummy. Mommy had to help get it out.

This month I got to go to the Yakima State Fair and watch my sister ride a pony and the carousel...and I took some naps...and ate...and napped some more. Then we went to a pumpkin farm where my sister ran around some straw maze and kissed pumpkins. I am lazy - mommy and daddy carried me around everywhere while I watched...and took naps.

I'm a very laid back little boy - I have to be to put up with my sister. She has already hit me in the head with her Dora doll. We were taking a bath together and she threw her Dora Bath Dolly at me! Ok, she didn't MEAN to hit me but can you see where this is gonna go in the next few years??

I'm a pretty big little guy - mommy says I was 18 pounds at 3 months. My sister wasn't that big till she was ONE! Wow -she must be a shrimp!

I also don't like the bottle. Daddy tries to feed me once a week when mommy escapes the house for a while but I just scream at him. Does he think I'm stupid enough to mistake a bottle for the real thing??? I don't THINK so!

Well, I need to go suck on my thumb some more and see if I can't eat my sleeve in the process. I'll be having my 4 month Birthday next week and I'm sure I'll have much more to share then.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More of me - 2 Months

More pics of me ... here I am looking all hot in my army pants, hanging with my big sis and dad and chilling with my mommy - I also like to suck on my fist. I can't figure out how to get my thumb to stay in my mouth. Oh, can you count my chins? haha!


I'm 2 months old and I weigh 16.1 pounds (95th%), I'm 24 1/4" long and healthy as can be. I had my first vaccinations and I handled them pretty well. I only cried for a few minutes and was fine. I still just eat, sleep and poop but I do sleep really good at night. My mommy only has to get up once most nights and I sleep a LOT during the day. So far I'm a piece of cake - but I'm a chubby one! I have outgrown most of my clothes so we had to go shopping for more! I have been sleeping in my own room too - I just started that. I'm too noisy I guess and keep my parents up all night.
haha...I'm so chunky!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Month Old

I still just eat, sleep and poop - but I did start smiling really good at 4 weeks. I love it when you make funny faces at me. 

So far I still sleep pretty good but I do have a new trick - when mommy wakes up to feed me at 3 or 4 am I play the grunt and groan game. I wait for mommy to fall asleep and I act like I have to burp or fart and I make lots of noise. She has to keep getting up and picking me up and holding me. As soon as she falls asleep I do it again and again and again. Sometimes I can go for 2 hours before it's no fun anymore. Twice she has threatened to put me in my own room! She finally did it to me last night - and I cried and cried until she picked me up again. haha..I'm so smart. 

My sister is a funny one though, she likes to lick my leg or foot and is always trying to take my stuff. My blankets, my pacifier - even my swing!! She does give me kisses too though. 

Oh, by the way....I weigh 14 pounds now and I'm only 5 weeks old! I eat good around here!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jeep Jamboree 2008

Jeep Jamboree 2008- Naches, WA
I wasn't able to go on the actual jeep trips cuz I'm just a baby - but I snuck in the car with my sister to go for a ride. 

I spent my weekend hanging out with my grandmas while my daddy went jeeping - here I am with my Great Grandma Elsie....
And Great Grandma Dorene...
and Grandma Linda. She came to our cabin in her new motor home -it was really cool! I even took a nap in it!

And I also took a lot of naps in my stroller but here I decided to wake up and check things out. I can't wait till I'm a big boy and get to jeep with my daddy!! I was a really good boy at the cabin too. I slept a lot and mommy didn't have to do a lot of work. She was busy chasing my sister around. 

Monday, July 7, 2008

More of me -2 Weeks

Aren't I handsome?
Happy 4th of July!
Me and daddy - hanging out at Grandpa's house for the 4th of July.
My buddy JT and I chillin in the back seat. Mommy was going to a George Michael concert with JT's mommy and we got to go out to dinner before the show - we went to the Spaghetti Factory, then our daddies took us home while our mommie's went out by themselves. No fair!
Need I say more??

My First Bath- 2 weeks

Yay! I finally got to take a bath!!! My umbilical cord fell off at 2 weeks and one day. It seemed like it took forever! I like my bath though. My mommy put me in the water and I started to pee all over the place. haha...Good thing I was in the BIG bath tub. 

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Birth Story

My Birth - 

June 15, 2008 3:51 AM - Fathers Day

I was almost born on Friday the 13th but mommy was not able to be induced because the hospital was full. She didn't really want to anyways so she was glad she got to wait. The next day the hospital called her again to come in but she asked if she could just wait a bit longer since she thought she was getting ready to go into labor on her own. The Dr wanted her to come in anyways and get checked out before he could make a decision so she went in that morning. They said she could go home since I was doing fine - and her and daddy went to get some lunch. When they were leaving the restaurant, mommy thought her water broke so they had to go back to the hospital and check things out. Well, it didn't so home she went again. Grandma Linda was visiting and was thinking about going home -but that night at dinner, mommy started having contractions and that's how it all started....

My mommy started having contractions around 7:30 PM on the 15th and called the doctor to see when she should come in. Since she was already 5cm dilated, they told her to come right in. After she got to the hospital and checked in and was there for a while, the doctor came in and broke her water. Her contractions got really bad then! Daddy and Grandma Linda, Aunt Joy, Grandpa Dan and Peggy were there with her. 

Mommy didn't want to have to get an epidural since she didn't like not being able to move, but after being stuck at 8cm for a while she finally gave in and asked for the drugs. She had to sit on the edge of the bed and have them stick that needle in her back and she hated it and wasn't sure she could sit still for that. But once they gave her the drugs, they rolled her over to check her again and she was at 10cm and had to start pushing! She was still not all the way numb yet and could feel a lot! It only took about 20 minutes to push me out - I know, amazing considering my size - and as I came out the doctor commented on what a chubby baby I was! That's what happens when you come out late! We don't really know for sure what my due date was since the doctor said June 2 and June 10th. I was either 5 days late or almost 2 weeks. Mommy thinks it's June 2nd because I was so big! My sister was only 7.2 pounds at 40 weeks!

I was a healthy happy baby though and hardly cried at all. All I wanted to do was sleep but they kept waking me up and poking me with needles and stuff. I wasn't even hungry and mommy kept waking me up to make me eat. I just wanted to get some rest! It's hard work being born!!!

I had a lot of visitors that day. Besides my family that was there for my birth, lots of mommies friends came to see me: Christy and Joel, Stacy and Paul and Gabby, Sheree and John and JT, Grnandma Linda, my aunt Joy/uncle Frank and cousins, Grandpa Dan/Peggy and Sara and mommy and daddies pastor and his wife. I slept through it all though.