Sunday, October 26, 2008

Almost 4 months...

Roll baby roll!
A week before my 4 month birthday I decided to roll over. My mommy was just watching me and all of a sudden I decided to give it a try. First time too - I made it all the way over!

I had my 4 month checkup too and I weigh 19 pounds!!! I'm still off the charts on my weight, I'm a big big boy! I'm 25 1/4 inches long too. I am catching up with my sister real quick. She was 18.5 pounds at ONE YEAR OLD! haha! She better quit picking on me - I'm gonna be bigger real soon! I keep getting kissed too - yuck! Girl kisses! All I can do is lay there and take it - I need to learn how to sit up and walk!!

I've been sleeping all night since 3 months old - 7pm to 7am. Recently though I started to wake up and cry in the middle of the night - I think I'm getting some teeth. Those little chompers sure hurt!

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