Sunday, October 26, 2008

Almost 4 months...

Roll baby roll!
A week before my 4 month birthday I decided to roll over. My mommy was just watching me and all of a sudden I decided to give it a try. First time too - I made it all the way over!

I had my 4 month checkup too and I weigh 19 pounds!!! I'm still off the charts on my weight, I'm a big big boy! I'm 25 1/4 inches long too. I am catching up with my sister real quick. She was 18.5 pounds at ONE YEAR OLD! haha! She better quit picking on me - I'm gonna be bigger real soon! I keep getting kissed too - yuck! Girl kisses! All I can do is lay there and take it - I need to learn how to sit up and walk!!

I've been sleeping all night since 3 months old - 7pm to 7am. Recently though I started to wake up and cry in the middle of the night - I think I'm getting some teeth. Those little chompers sure hurt!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


3 Months Old -

I'm a super busy kid! I have already started laughing and sleeping 12-13 hours at night and, today October 9th I rolled over for the first time. I've never really even tried before - I just though what the heck, why not? :) It was kind cool -but then I got an arm stuck under my chubby tummy. Mommy had to help get it out.

This month I got to go to the Yakima State Fair and watch my sister ride a pony and the carousel...and I took some naps...and ate...and napped some more. Then we went to a pumpkin farm where my sister ran around some straw maze and kissed pumpkins. I am lazy - mommy and daddy carried me around everywhere while I watched...and took naps.

I'm a very laid back little boy - I have to be to put up with my sister. She has already hit me in the head with her Dora doll. We were taking a bath together and she threw her Dora Bath Dolly at me! Ok, she didn't MEAN to hit me but can you see where this is gonna go in the next few years??

I'm a pretty big little guy - mommy says I was 18 pounds at 3 months. My sister wasn't that big till she was ONE! Wow -she must be a shrimp!

I also don't like the bottle. Daddy tries to feed me once a week when mommy escapes the house for a while but I just scream at him. Does he think I'm stupid enough to mistake a bottle for the real thing??? I don't THINK so!

Well, I need to go suck on my thumb some more and see if I can't eat my sleeve in the process. I'll be having my 4 month Birthday next week and I'm sure I'll have much more to share then.