Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Month Old

I still just eat, sleep and poop - but I did start smiling really good at 4 weeks. I love it when you make funny faces at me. 

So far I still sleep pretty good but I do have a new trick - when mommy wakes up to feed me at 3 or 4 am I play the grunt and groan game. I wait for mommy to fall asleep and I act like I have to burp or fart and I make lots of noise. She has to keep getting up and picking me up and holding me. As soon as she falls asleep I do it again and again and again. Sometimes I can go for 2 hours before it's no fun anymore. Twice she has threatened to put me in my own room! She finally did it to me last night - and I cried and cried until she picked me up again. haha..I'm so smart. 

My sister is a funny one though, she likes to lick my leg or foot and is always trying to take my stuff. My blankets, my pacifier - even my swing!! She does give me kisses too though. 

Oh, by the way....I weigh 14 pounds now and I'm only 5 weeks old! I eat good around here!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jeep Jamboree 2008

Jeep Jamboree 2008- Naches, WA
I wasn't able to go on the actual jeep trips cuz I'm just a baby - but I snuck in the car with my sister to go for a ride. 

I spent my weekend hanging out with my grandmas while my daddy went jeeping - here I am with my Great Grandma Elsie....
And Great Grandma Dorene...
and Grandma Linda. She came to our cabin in her new motor home -it was really cool! I even took a nap in it!

And I also took a lot of naps in my stroller but here I decided to wake up and check things out. I can't wait till I'm a big boy and get to jeep with my daddy!! I was a really good boy at the cabin too. I slept a lot and mommy didn't have to do a lot of work. She was busy chasing my sister around. 

Monday, July 7, 2008

More of me -2 Weeks

Aren't I handsome?
Happy 4th of July!
Me and daddy - hanging out at Grandpa's house for the 4th of July.
My buddy JT and I chillin in the back seat. Mommy was going to a George Michael concert with JT's mommy and we got to go out to dinner before the show - we went to the Spaghetti Factory, then our daddies took us home while our mommie's went out by themselves. No fair!
Need I say more??

My First Bath- 2 weeks

Yay! I finally got to take a bath!!! My umbilical cord fell off at 2 weeks and one day. It seemed like it took forever! I like my bath though. My mommy put me in the water and I started to pee all over the place. haha...Good thing I was in the BIG bath tub.