Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More of me - 2 Months

More pics of me ... here I am looking all hot in my army pants, hanging with my big sis and dad and chilling with my mommy - I also like to suck on my fist. I can't figure out how to get my thumb to stay in my mouth. Oh, can you count my chins? haha!


I'm 2 months old and I weigh 16.1 pounds (95th%), I'm 24 1/4" long and healthy as can be. I had my first vaccinations and I handled them pretty well. I only cried for a few minutes and was fine. I still just eat, sleep and poop but I do sleep really good at night. My mommy only has to get up once most nights and I sleep a LOT during the day. So far I'm a piece of cake - but I'm a chubby one! I have outgrown most of my clothes so we had to go shopping for more! I have been sleeping in my own room too - I just started that. I'm too noisy I guess and keep my parents up all night.
haha...I'm so chunky!