Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Birth Story

My Birth - 

June 15, 2008 3:51 AM - Fathers Day

I was almost born on Friday the 13th but mommy was not able to be induced because the hospital was full. She didn't really want to anyways so she was glad she got to wait. The next day the hospital called her again to come in but she asked if she could just wait a bit longer since she thought she was getting ready to go into labor on her own. The Dr wanted her to come in anyways and get checked out before he could make a decision so she went in that morning. They said she could go home since I was doing fine - and her and daddy went to get some lunch. When they were leaving the restaurant, mommy thought her water broke so they had to go back to the hospital and check things out. Well, it didn't so home she went again. Grandma Linda was visiting and was thinking about going home -but that night at dinner, mommy started having contractions and that's how it all started....

My mommy started having contractions around 7:30 PM on the 15th and called the doctor to see when she should come in. Since she was already 5cm dilated, they told her to come right in. After she got to the hospital and checked in and was there for a while, the doctor came in and broke her water. Her contractions got really bad then! Daddy and Grandma Linda, Aunt Joy, Grandpa Dan and Peggy were there with her. 

Mommy didn't want to have to get an epidural since she didn't like not being able to move, but after being stuck at 8cm for a while she finally gave in and asked for the drugs. She had to sit on the edge of the bed and have them stick that needle in her back and she hated it and wasn't sure she could sit still for that. But once they gave her the drugs, they rolled her over to check her again and she was at 10cm and had to start pushing! She was still not all the way numb yet and could feel a lot! It only took about 20 minutes to push me out - I know, amazing considering my size - and as I came out the doctor commented on what a chubby baby I was! That's what happens when you come out late! We don't really know for sure what my due date was since the doctor said June 2 and June 10th. I was either 5 days late or almost 2 weeks. Mommy thinks it's June 2nd because I was so big! My sister was only 7.2 pounds at 40 weeks!

I was a healthy happy baby though and hardly cried at all. All I wanted to do was sleep but they kept waking me up and poking me with needles and stuff. I wasn't even hungry and mommy kept waking me up to make me eat. I just wanted to get some rest! It's hard work being born!!!

I had a lot of visitors that day. Besides my family that was there for my birth, lots of mommies friends came to see me: Christy and Joel, Stacy and Paul and Gabby, Sheree and John and JT, Grnandma Linda, my aunt Joy/uncle Frank and cousins, Grandpa Dan/Peggy and Sara and mommy and daddies pastor and his wife. I slept through it all though.